Tagged: grunge

Final Selects @DesertModels Janna

Finished most of my final selects from recent test shoot with Janna from Desert Models. Would have posted this sooner but spent the weekend having an early Thanksgiving dinner celebration with my man and his family. Here are the finals:

@DesertModels #bts test shoot with Janna

here’s some bts(behind the scenes) pictures from my shoot tuesday! It was a great test shoot, although I wish we had more time to shoot more outfits! I shot with Janna from Desert Models Agency

first we shot with simple makeup and did some lingerie shots, per the models request.

then we moved on to the main event, grunge inspired shoot with pink chalk tips!

I took these with my iphone trying to focus on the back of my camera screen. didn’t work out too well so please excuse the bad quality! These are obviously unedited, except for instagram filters 😉

follow me on instagram(@zoemich3lle)